Thursday, 30 January 2014

Stupid motorist's need shooting !

You know, Nothing annoys me more than stupid driving by people who just pull out in front of you without looking !  Just yesterday evening, I was driving home coming down the road from Erith  to Bexley Heath , When this stupid driver of a Silver car , Pulled out as I  was just passing them ! Fortunately  I saw them out of the corner of my eye and avoided what could have been a bad accident caused by stupidity, The car did not even have any lights on, I ended up halfway across the road to miss them, Good job that the car's coming the other way moved over to let me miss that car!
How do these people pass the driving test with such poor driving!

                                        Thanks for your support and for reading this blog

           paulburns07.blogspot (music blog )

Monday, 13 January 2014

Hello Winter

Well, It looks as if winter has finely arrived ! I first realised it on Saturday evening when I went out in my car to drop my Brother in law home, For the first time this year there was thick ice on the car ! And now it gets dark much earlier in the evening !  I suppose I should not moan, But it don't half play havoc with my Arthritis ! This new year should be a much better one than last year as I now have a fully functional studio and I can concentrate on some new music etc !
I am also now in contact with my two sons after nearly 40 years of not knowing where they were ! Yes ' I am over the moon about that ! So much to catch up on etc . What a great year it is going to be for my family ! Thank you dear Lord .

Bellow is some pictures of some of my family !


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