Well here I am yet again having a moan ! This time it is about our beloved Dustmen ( Refuge collectors) ! When I was a lad, I can remember that the dustman would call every week and with a smile on their face , They would come through the house hallway into the back garden and carry 3 or maybe 4 metal dustbins and tip them in their cart, When they returned the bin's they would smile and then say thank you !
1950s Dust cart !
Could you imagine them doing that now ! They don't take your rubbish on a regular basis, When they do take it they leave some in the recycling bins, Not only that, They leave rubbish all in the road and on my garden and they are forever breaking the handle on the brown wheelie bin with their dust cart ! They are also rude if you ask them about this set of problems ! Whatever happened to our good old English spirit ? After all that is what the council tax is paid for !

Left: Dustmen emptying bin's into their dustcart !
What has gone wrong with this country, Everyone used to be nice to each other , Now you have to be so careful who you even talk too with the fear of getting assaulted , Stabbed or Shot. I think we need to bring back old values like national service and the death penalty for cold blooded murder ! Then perhaps people just like our dustmen would be nice again, We can only dream. The thing is that our dustman have got it so easy now !

Above : Dustman carrying a metal dustbin to his cart !
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1950s Dust cart !
Could you imagine them doing that now ! They don't take your rubbish on a regular basis, When they do take it they leave some in the recycling bins, Not only that, They leave rubbish all in the road and on my garden and they are forever breaking the handle on the brown wheelie bin with their dust cart ! They are also rude if you ask them about this set of problems ! Whatever happened to our good old English spirit ? After all that is what the council tax is paid for !

Left: Dustmen emptying bin's into their dustcart !
What has gone wrong with this country, Everyone used to be nice to each other , Now you have to be so careful who you even talk too with the fear of getting assaulted , Stabbed or Shot. I think we need to bring back old values like national service and the death penalty for cold blooded murder ! Then perhaps people just like our dustmen would be nice again, We can only dream. The thing is that our dustman have got it so easy now !

Above : Dustman carrying a metal dustbin to his cart !
Thanks for your support and for reading this blog !