Thursday, 28 November 2013

Should we change the law about Burglars & Dogs? YES!

Hi, I was just watching a TV program about Burglars and I thought, Get a big dog ! But the stupid law says , If your dog bites a Burglar or an intruder, Then it has to be put down ! WHY !  Shurely  if the dog is protecting the house and its owner and contents, It should be made law that it is the fault of the burglar and not the dog ! Come on you STUPID politicians, If the boot was on the other foot, Would you like it if an intruder entered your house and your dog had to be put down for protecting your family ? No you Would not ! So come on government change the law in favour of our beloved pets that are innocent just looking after their owners, If you agree with this, Then please lobby the government about this unjust problem, I state my case !  

Why should our lovely pets have to be blamed for when a burglar breakes in your home!

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Thursday, 7 November 2013

New updated blog page

 I thought it was about time that I made an entry on this blog page as I have not written anything for such a long time, And while I am about it, I decided to update the look of this page too, Well , It will soon be 2014 !  It only seems like a short while that this year started, My word don't time fly ? .  November has come to soon a far as I am concerned, I have only just got into this year !  Well now I would like to thank you all for reading my blog's and in having an interest in my articles, So take care and Thank you once again x .

You can read more articles on this blog, Or for Music items  Go to  This is paul burns music on  or  Paul Burns Music 
Or go to The Rockhouse Music Project page on facebook (please like my page)
Thanks for your support and for reading this blog .

Friday, 11 October 2013

Why do you play games on facebook?

Something that I will never understand is, We join a social network ie facebook etc to keep in contact with our friends and family Right!   Wrong, It seems to me that all the people that I know on facebook  just want to play silly games all day long, Try to talk to them ,All you get is ignored or answered 1/2 hour after you have messaged them because they are so interested in Candy Crush that they do not notice that you are messaging them !  How annoying it is , Not only that, You keep receiving notifications inviting you to play the same silly bloody game, And that my friend is even more annoying. Don't people have anything better to do with their lives than to play games all day, And if not, Why not play a WII or Xbox instead of annoying people like me !

Surly we can find better things to do all day !

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   ( Music blog )

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Promises Broken and all lies

Hi, It's me moaning again, But why do some 
people make promises only to break them ? And why do some people just tell you what you want to hear and they don't mean it ?, It seams that we all have at some time in our lives bean treated in this way, Is it a way of life or are we just too vulnerable  to realize the fact that we are being fobbed off !  I think it is much better to tell things as they are , After all we all need to 
know where we stand in life, Example, Take the job interview, You apply for a job and are told ,We will let you know if you have got the job, But that is the last you hear from them, They have not even got the decency to let you know! What is this country coming to when people can't even be strait with us, Shocking isn't it !

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       (Music blog)

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Cheryl Ferguson is Dusty Springfield ( Your face looks familiar )

Wow ! I watched a new TV program called  Your face sounds familiar , Was I surprised when Cheryl Ferguson  was  Dusty Springfield !  Not only did she look and sing like Dusty, But she actually won 1st place on the first show and £10,000 for her chosen charity, She was absolutely Brilliant ! Just goes to show that we should not judge a book by it's cover, Well done Cheryl x
 Cheryl Ferguson 
                       Dusty Springfield
Cheryl Looked remarkably like this picture of Dusty

Cheryl will be playing as Anastasia on next weeks Show !

You can read more interesting topics etc on this blog  or if you are a music fan, My other blog called   This Is paul burns music  on .
or you can go to Paul Burns Music  .
or you can go to  The Rockhouse Music Project page on facebook (Please like the page )
Thanks for your support and for reading this blog .

Friday, 7 June 2013

What you can do with a pallet !

What do people do with old pallets ?  Do they throw them out or chop them up for their wood burners ?, Well I actually make things out of them, You can save yourself a fortune by using pallet wood, The hardest thing is actually taking them apart but once you have, The sky is the limit  You can make anything from a coffee table to fencing for the garden to even a complete garden shed ! I have been recycling wood and all manner  of unwanted things that are discarded by folk who do not want the stuff anymore, I have actually  built a complete recording studio from mostly recycled wood, carpets etc and it has worked very well!  So next time you see a pallet dumped outside some shop or ally , Just think about what you could make out of it! 

Just look at this picture, It is a prime example of recycling !

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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

This is not right ! Thatcher state funeral ?

I have always respected people, weddings, funerals, etc, But today takes the biscuit, My Dear old Dad bless his soul, served in the army as a Sargent Major in world war 2, He was lost in battle for 6 years, He really did serve his country, When he died in 1980 he had an ordinary funeral as normal as all of us, So why did Maggie Thatcher have an almost state funeral and she done less than my dad did, Surly £10,000,000 would be better spent on our national health or cancer research or even saving our A&E departments! She did not go to war , All she did was put loads of people out of work, Introduce the pole tax and devalue the pound by decimalisation our currency, Typical Conservative tactics to scam the British public in to paying out more money to line the pockets of the government, Does that Merritt a state funeral ?, I think not!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Why Tesco ?

Why Tesco ?

Can anyone tell me why
Tesco is getting away with monopolising our high streets with converted pubs and other various unconventional buildings that they have taken over,  I think it is bloody ludicrous that these stores are taking over our high streets! We do NOT need any more Tesco stores!  I was upset when Waitrose decided to set up shop in Sidcup High street when we already have a Morrison's store that is cheaper ! Why did they not put a Wilkinson's or Primark instead to give people more choice of the high street ? No wonder this country is in such a state! And now to top it all, The chancellors Budget has taken a penny off the price of bear, What a load of old cobblers!

You can read more about life and topics etc on this blog, Thanks for your support and for reading this blog .

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Bring back capital punishment !

I was just sitting here thinking that why do we have so much gun and knife crime in this country now, We did not have hardly any in the late 50s-60s, I can remember walking home at 1 am on any day of the week and I lived in Holloway North London at the time, And I never ever was afraid to do so as it was safe to go out at that time of night in them times, It has changed since the abolishment of capital punishment and the discontinued national service, Now if you go out at night or day, You run the risk of being stabbed or shot, And the thing is that they get away with just a few years in jail, Then they come out just to do it again!
When it was the fact that you would be hanged if you killed anyone,The deterrent was good, But now this so called justice law is a farce! Bring back national service for people from 16 years old till they are 25, and I anyone wants to come and live here from another country,Let them do 5 years in our armed forces before they qualify to live here, And also bring back the death sentence for murder etc, It makes more sense than what is happening here at the moment! 

Thanks to all the armed forces who protect our country from war!

Since this entry I am sad to say that Lee Rigby a serving soldier at Woolwich was savagely killed near his Barracks in at Woolwich, This proves my point about bringing back the death penalty to murderers who kill in cold blood !

                       RIP Lee Rigby...


Monday, 4 February 2013

Jeremy Kyle Insulting man!

Hi, It's me again moaning about that bloody program on ITV 1  at 9.25 every morning, Yes you got it! The Jeremy bloody Kyle show where people air their dirty laundry on national TV,  Why  people want to go on that show beats me! I mean he insults them , Wont let them get a word in edge ways and then humiliates them with lie detector tests that may not even be correct! What a sham! How many relationships have been wrongly broken up by this bloody program?  Still if people want to be treated like idiots , Then they deserve all they get for going on there in the first place, Come on folks learn your lesson! 

Friday, 25 January 2013

people and their ways of life.

you know, There is nothing quiet as nice as seeing an old couple walking down the street still holding hands after years and years of marriage! How comes some people can stay together for all their lives while others only last maybe a couple of years and then divorce shows its ugly head! And What about your neighbours, How do you rate them, Are they nice or are the the ones from hell! I must admit I have the best neighbours that anyone could ever have ! And then there are those folk who insist on going on facebook only to write in such a way that not even an alien could understand their grammar let alone the spelling, What is this world coming to ? . I think some people on social network sites should go back to school and learn how to write properly before putting it on the Internet ! Then there are those who go on the Jeremy Kyle show to air their dirty laundry in public (Why ?). I think we all ought to get a grips of ourselves before the whole world goes absolutely nuts!

What makes me mad is that the government are moaning about our economy and yet it was Margret Thatcher that got us in to this mess by taking us into the common market, Instantly the pound was devalued by decimalisation and has never recovered ever since, And now all they can seem to do is pass the debt problem on to us to pay with more taxes and less of everything like wages !Yet they can still afford to pay for Olympic circles to hang from Tower bridge for the Olympic games (2012) But they cant keep our hospitals open, It is ludicrous! I bet that David Cameron or Nick Cleg would not take a pay cut to save the NH, Yet that is what they expect of us, They have increased petrol prices so much that shops and businesses have to put up their prices and in the end go out of business , It is not acceptable, This government must go, I did not vote them in, So shame on those who did! Perhaps folk will think next time before they vote, Choose carefully my friends for the future!


Saturday, 19 January 2013

The Elephant (funny)

The elephant is a dainty bird, It swings from bow to bow, It plants it's nest up a rhubarb tree and whistles like a cow !

Lovely Cars and nice guitars !

You know, I do love nice cars, American cars are the best, I myself drive a Chrysler Neon ( A lovely American car) I swapped my Mitsubishi Pajero for it and it was the best thing I ever did, I also love great Guitars, As a musician myself, I have a few great ones, My favourite is my Mexican Fender Stratocaster followed by my Gibson/Epyphone Les Paul, Both guitars play really nice and I enjoy playing them both, I do have a selection of other instruments including a Teisco 1960s guitar that I picked up from a facebook selling site for just £10 ,Wow what a bargain, When I got it home , I started to clean off what was thought to be rust, And found that it was in fact nicotine , After a good cleaning session, We realised that the guitar is in excellent condition, Apart from the whammy arm and one knob missing, It is in great shape and is in fact quiet rare, Just goes to show you what bargains can be picked up if you know what you are looking fore !

1960s Teisco guitar for just £10,        What a bargain !   

  A beautiful  American truck                                                                                                                                              

Friday, 18 January 2013

And finally Snow !

Well , The snow has arrived and I am sitting snuggled up on the sofa with a cup of tea and my laptop, How Lucky am I ? ! Lets think about those poor folk who can't even afford to eat or put on their heating! So maybe we should pop next door to the poor old pensioner and make them a cuppa and just make sure they are warm and safe, Invite them into your home if they have got no money for gas or electricity! You never know, You might save their life, Remember, It don't cost anything to be nice to folk! Be an Angel look after them well!


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Paul Burns Music ( The Rockhouse Music Project) - Male - United Kingdom » Welcome to FriendBurst! A Place for Sharing

Paul Burns Music ( The Rockhouse Music Project) - Male - United Kingdom » Welcome to FriendBurst! A Place for Sharing: Image

Into 2013 we must go!

Well we finally made it into 2013 and now it is freezing cold outside, That just gives me the excuse to wear my onesies that were bought for me for Christmas, You may laugh, But they really do keep you warm! Bad news this week as a helicopter hit a crane in London because of fog , The pilot and a man on his way to work were both killed, The Driver of the crane was late for work and luckily was not in the crane.  On a lighter note, Prince William and his wife Kate are expecting their baby in the summer of 2013, Congratulations to them on their first child! Still got the police doing silly things like aiming camera's at drivers who can see them a mile away where they could be out catching real criminals ! Still 'Thats life! Lets hope that this year we will pull ourselves together and try to get this country back on its feet, Mind you its a fat chance with this co elision government, Cuts cuts and more cuts is their motto until they mess it up completely!

Perhaps people will use their vote in a more sensible way next time! ( Look at me in my onesie) Silly Bugger!