you know, There is nothing quiet as nice as seeing an old couple walking down the street still holding hands after years and years of marriage! How comes some people can stay together for all their lives while others only last maybe a couple of years and then divorce shows its ugly head! And What about your neighbours, How do you rate them, Are they nice or are the the ones from hell! I must admit I have the best neighbours that anyone could ever have ! And then there are those folk who insist on going on facebook only to write in such a way that not even an alien could understand their grammar let alone the spelling, What is this world coming to ? . I think some people on social network sites should go back to school and learn how to write properly before putting it on the Internet ! Then there are those who go on the Jeremy Kyle show to air their dirty laundry in public (Why ?). I think we all ought to get a grips of ourselves before the whole world goes absolutely nuts!
What makes me mad is that the government are moaning about our economy and yet it was Margret Thatcher that got us in to this mess by taking us into the common market, Instantly the pound was devalued by decimalisation and has never recovered ever since, And now all they can seem to do is pass the debt problem on to us to pay with more taxes and less of everything like wages !Yet they can still afford to pay for Olympic circles to hang from Tower bridge for the Olympic games (2012) But they cant keep our hospitals open, It is ludicrous! I bet that David Cameron or Nick Cleg would not take a pay cut to save the NH, Yet that is what they expect of us, They have increased petrol prices so much that shops and businesses have to put up their prices and in the end go out of business , It is not acceptable, This government must go, I did not vote them in, So shame on those who did! Perhaps folk will think next time before they vote, Choose carefully my friends for the future!
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